PREPARING FOR WHAT YOU WISH YOU COULD IGNORE! Long Term Care insurance is made to help you when you can no longer take care of many of your basic daily living tasks. This is something none of want to consider let alone plan for in the future but without a plan you could be risking your home and your entire family's financial future. Let us help you determine the best way to protect yourself.
Long term care is the assistance individuals need when they are unable to care for themselves and need help with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) - bathing, dressing, transferring, toileting, continence (control of bodily functions), and eating - or they have severe cognitive impairment such as Alzheimer's disease. The need for long-term care can result from an accident, chronic illness or short-term disability, or from advance age. Long term care can include a broad range of services, provided in any setting outside a hospital. It might be help with simple daily tasks like bathing or dressing. It might include skilled care in your own home, an assisted living facility, some other community resources, or a nursing facility. No other type of insurance covers this need unless you exhaust your assets first. This may mean financial ruin for your loved ones who want to make sure you are properly taken care of if it becomes necessary. |